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10 Ways To Increase Shopify Sales

Everyone wants more sales. This blog will show you how to boost sales and keep customers coming back.

Key Takeaways

  • Write great product descriptions, Highlight what your products do for customers.
  • Make buying easy, Offer free shipping, bundled deals, and different payment options.
  • Show people love your products, Use customer reviews, trust badges, and user-generated content.

1. Offer Free Shipping

10 ways to offer free shipping and still be profitable | Eshopbox

Free shipping is now the norm in online shopping. While it may seem like a an expensive benefit, it's actually a smart business strategy. Many companies, even large ones, don't have special deals with shipping companies to get free shipping. Instead, they simply include the shipping cost in the product price.

A study by Capital One found that 80% of American consumers expect free shipping if they spend a certain amount. And 66% of shoppers want free shipping on all orders. This data shows that free shipping is a basic expectation, and not offering it can lead to a significant number of customers abandoning their shopping carts.

Implementing free shipping might seem challenging, but it can be done gradually. Start by offering free shipping to a limited number of regions. Determine the highest shipping cost for those areas and include it in your product prices. This strategy can significantly boost sales and conversion rates on your Shopify store.

2. Include Customer Reviews

Customer reviews are a form of social proof. They essentially tell new shoppers that you can be trusted. New customers always use reviews as a basis for their buying decisions.

Here is a sample customer review highlight:

Customer reviews are important for dropshippers:

  • They make customers more loyal.
  • They make your business look more trustworthy.
  • They help customers feel like they're part of a community.
  • They increase sales.
  • They help you understand your customers better.

A customer loyalty program can encourage reviews. Reward loyal customers for leaving positive feedback.

Most Dropshipping platforms have apps to share reviews. If you don't have any reviews yet, you can use reviews from your supplier. or you can create reviews with AI by using Xpage

Encourage customers to leave reviews and offer them rewards, like a discount.

3. Highlight Your Product Benefits

One of the most common mistakes dropshippers make is focusing too much on product features without explaining their benefits. While features are important, they often don't mean much to consumers.

Product features are typically technical and difficult to understand. As sellers, our job is to translate these features into benefits that resonate with customers.

Instead of simply listing features, explain how they can improve customers' lives. For example, instead of saying "10,000 mAh lithium battery," say "30 minutes of flight time." The feature is the battery capacity, but the benefit is the extended flight time.

Apply this approach to every product feature. Clearly communicate the benefits to customers. In addition, create dedicated sections on your product pages to showcase your products' benefits

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For instance, you could have a section about flight time and include a short video or GIF of a parent and child playing with the drone. Or, show a clip of the drone flying between trees. Accompany these visuals with text or bullet points that emphasize long flight time, long battery life, short charging time, removable and replaceable batteries, and so on.

By following these guidelines, you'll provide customers with compelling reasons to purchase your products.

4. Offer Bundles That Make Sense

KFC and many other fast food chains offer bundles for a reason: customers get more value for their money and the company gets a higher average order value (AOV).

Average Order Value (AOV) is a crucial metric in e-commerce that measures the average amount a customer spends per transaction. A higher AOV directly correlates to increased revenue, even if you maintain the same number of orders.

Take a look at these items sold separately:

  • KFC Bucket: $15 (cost) / $25 (selling price) = $10 profit
  • Original Recipe Tenders: $5 (cost) / $8 (selling price) = $3 profit
  • Large Popcorn Chicken: $7 (cost) / $12 (selling price) = $5 profit

Total profit: $18


  • KFC Combo (Bucket, Tenders, Popcorn Chicken): $35

Total profit: $15

While the individual profit per item is slightly lower in the bundle, the overall revenue and profit are higher. Customers are more likely to purchase the combo for a discounted price, leading to increased sales and a higher average order value. This strategy can be particularly effective for KFC, as it offers a variety of complementary food items that can be bundled together..

5. Offer Upsells And Cross-Sells

  • Upsells: Offer a better version of the product the customer is looking at. (Example: Offer a larger bag instead of a smaller one.)
  • Cross-sells: Offer related products that go with the product the customer is looking at. (Example: Offer a laptop case with a laptop.)

Upsells and cross-sells can help you increase revenue

Here is an example from Shopify:

Cross Sell & Upsell by SSC - Cross Sell & Upsell | Shopify App Store

6. Tap On The Psychology Of The Buyer

To effectively connect with your target audience and drive sales, it's essential to delve into the psychology of your potential customers. Emotions play a significant role in purchasing decisions, and by targeting specific emotions, you can create a more compelling and persuasive message.

What are the most effective ways to use consumer psychology in marketing  and advertising?

Key Emotions to Tap Into:

  • Altruism: Highlight how purchasing your product can contribute to a positive cause or make a difference in the world.
  • Envy: Suggest that owning your product will elevate the customer's status or make them feel more desirable.
  • Fear: Address potential concerns or problems that your product can solve, creating a sense of urgency or necessity.
  • Pride: Position your product as something that will make the customer feel unique, accomplished, or confident.

Subtle Messaging Techniques:

  • Storytelling: Craft compelling narratives that resonate with your target audience and evoke emotional responses.
  • Social Proof: Leverage testimonials, reviews, and endorsements from satisfied customers to build trust and credibility.
  • Scarcity and Urgency: Create a sense of limited availability or time-sensitive offers to encourage immediate action.
  • Visual Appeal: Use high-quality images and videos to create an emotional connection with your products.

Avoid Misleading Claims:

  • Health-Related Claims: Be cautious when making claims about health benefits, as they may be subject to strict regulations.
  • False Promises: Avoid making exaggerated or unrealistic claims that could lead to customer dissatisfaction.

Leverage FOMO (Fear of Missing Out):

  • Limited-Time Offers: Create a sense of urgency by offering time-sensitive discounts, promotions, or exclusive products.
  • Exclusive Items: Highlight the uniqueness or limited availability of your products to make customers feel like they're missing out if they don't purchase.

By understanding and effectively targeting customer psychology, you can create a more engaging and persuasive shopping experience, ultimately leading to increased sales and customer loyalty.

7. Add Trust Badges To Your Online Store

Trust badges are icons and symbols of known financial and security companies. Below is an example:

Trust badges are visual cues that instantly signal credibility and trustworthiness to online shoppers. These badges, often displayed prominently on websites, can significantly impact customer confidence and conversion rates.

Types of Trust Badges:

  • Security Badges: These badges indicate that your website is secure and protected against online threats. Examples include SSL certificates, Norton Security Seals, and McAfee Secure.
  • Financial Badges: These badges showcase your acceptance of popular payment methods and affiliations with reputable financial institutions. Examples include PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.
  • Endorsement Badges: These badges highlight endorsements or certifications from third-party organizations or industry experts. Examples include Better Business Bureau accreditation, Google Trusted Store, and customer review platforms.
  • Policy Badges: These badges showcase your commitment to customer satisfaction and ethical business practices. Examples include free shipping, easy returns, and privacy policies.

Benefits of Trust Badges:

  • Increased Trust and Credibility: Trust badges instill confidence in customers by demonstrating that your business is legitimate and reliable.
  • Improved Conversion Rates: By building trust, trust badges can directly contribute to higher conversion rates and reduced cart abandonment.
  • Enhanced Brand Reputation: Trust badges can help establish your brand as trustworthy and reputable, leading to long-term customer loyalty.
  • Improved SEO: Some trust badges can positively impact your search engine rankings.

Placement and Best Practices:

  • Prominent Placement: Place trust badges in highly visible areas of your website, such as the header, footer, or product pages.
  • Clear Communication: Ensure that the meaning of each badge is clear to customers. Consider adding a tooltip or explanation for unfamiliar badges.
  • Variety: Use a combination of different trust badges to provide a comprehensive overview of your trustworthiness.
  • Regular Updates: Keep your trust badges up-to-date and ensure that they accurately reflect your current certifications and affiliations.

By strategically incorporating trust badges into your online store, you can significantly enhance your credibility, build customer confidence, and ultimately drive sales.

8. Accept Different Payment Methods

Imagine limiting your customers to only using Visa. You’d be missing out on sales from people who prefer Mastercard, AMEX, JCB, and more. And that’s just credit cards!

Online payment options have exploded in recent years. It used to be just PayPal. Now, there’s a whole world of choices. For example:

  • Google Pay
  • Apple Pay
  • Skrill
  • Stripe
  • Braintree
  • klarna
  • Square

You can’t offer every payment option, but try to include as many as you can. The right choices depend on where your customers are. For example, Skrill is popular in Europe.

Customers need a way to pay. It’s like going to a store and only accepting cash. If the store takes cards, you’re more likely to buy, even if you don’t have cash.

You don’t have to do everything yourself. Platforms like Shopify Payments already include many payment options. So, you can accept lots of different payments with just one tool.

9. Show Proof Of Concept Or Proof Of Value

To effectively convince potential customers of the value and effectiveness of your products, it's essential to provide compelling proof of concept or value. This can be achieved through a combination of customer reviews, product demonstrations, and user-generated content.

Customer Reviews:

  • Authenticity: Encourage genuine customer reviews to provide a realistic assessment of your products.
  • Quantity and Quality: Aim for a significant number of positive reviews to build trust and credibility.
  • Display Prominently: Showcase customer reviews on your product pages, homepage, and social media channels.

Product Demonstrations:

  • Visual Appeal: Create high-quality videos or images that clearly demonstrate your product's features and benefits.
  • User-Friendly: Show how easy it is for customers to use your product, addressing potential concerns or questions.
  • Problem-Solving: Highlight how your product solves a specific problem or need for your target audience.

User-Generated Content (UGC):

  • Encourage Participation: Run contests, giveaways, or social media campaigns to encourage customers to share their experiences with your products.
  • Authenticity: UGC is often more trustworthy than traditional marketing materials, as it comes directly from satisfied customers.
  • Showcase Diversity: Feature a variety of UGC to demonstrate how your product can be used in different contexts.

Benefits of Proof of Concept or Value:

  • Increased Trust and Credibility: Demonstrating the value of your products can build trust and credibility with potential customers.
  • Improved Conversions: Customers are more likely to make a purchase when they see firsthand how your product benefits others.
  • Social Proof: Positive reviews and UGC can serve as social proof, influencing other customers to make a purchase.
  • Enhanced Brand Reputation: A strong reputation built on positive experiences can lead to increased customer loyalty and advocacy.

By effectively showcasing proof of concept or value, you can differentiate your products from competitors, build trust with your target audience, and ultimately drive sales.

10. Run Abandoned Cart Email Campaigns

Shopify Abandoned Cart Recovery: How To Boost Sales By 40%

It's normal for people to put items in their shopping cart and then not buy them. Whatever the reason, you should definitely run campaigns for abandoned carts

You can run an abandoned cart email campaign by sending emails to people who put items in their cart but didn't buy them. These emails can be the same for everyone, or you can make them personal.

Here are the benefits of running an abandoned cart email campaign:

  • You improve customer relationships
  • You can convince a person to pursue the purchase
  • You can use the campaign to offer a discount

You cannot create a campaign like this without a special tool. The one you need is an email marketing software. Below are some examples:

  • Klaviyo
  • Mailchimp
  • GetResponse
  • Brevo

If you use Shopify, you're lucky. It already has a built-in abandoned cart email campaign. Shopify automatically tracks and saves the emails of people who start to check out but don't finish

BigCommerce also has a built-in abandoned cart email system. If you're using a different platform, you'll need to find an email marketing tool that works with it. Abandoned cart email systems can cost money, so Shopify or BigCommerce might be the better choice

Final Thoughts

To increase your Dropshipping sales, choose a few of these tips to focus on right now. Don't try to do everything at once. Some might not work for your business, so choose the ones that make sense And don't forget about tools like Spysales that can help you track sales of any Shopify store to find winning product easily

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